Brief: Languages feature is used to manage (adding, editing, and researching) phrases. 

Firstly: Language Manager: 

1- Login to control panel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)>(Languages)> then (Language Manager) as shown in the below picture: 

The below features will show up: 

Edit\ Translate phrases: this option is used to manage phrases and language translation. 

Edit Settings: is used to edit the language settings such as, default language, align text, etc., 

Delete: to remove the language. 

ثانيًا : تنزيل واستيراد اللغات 


1- Login to control panel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)>(Languages)> then (Download\ upload) as shown in the below picture: 

The below setting options will show up: 

Languages: select the language that you want to add your device. 

Product: choose the product that you want to upload its language. 

File name: enter the name of the downloaded file. 

Include Custom Phrases: admins need to add custom phrases to some languages , press (yes) to activate this feature. 

Just import phrases: activate this option to download phrases without their settings. 


To upload the language file to the website, follow the below tutorial: 

1- Login to control panel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)>(Languages)> then (Download\ upload) as shown in the below picture: 

The below setting options will show up: 

EITHER Upload the XML file from your computer: you can choose the file from your device. 

OR Import the XML file from your server: or choose its from the server using (FTP) providing the full path as mentioned. 

Overwrite Language: leave it blank to create a new language.  

Title for Uploaded Language: leave it blank, so the language file title is used. 

Ignore Language Version: use the language file even if it’s different from Dimofinf one. 

Thirdly: Search in Language: 

1- Login to control panel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)>(Languages)> then (Search in Phrases) as shown in the below picture: 

-To search for a phrase, 

Use the below template: 


Search For Text: enter the text that you want to search for. 

Search in Language: enter the used language in searching. 

Product: enter the product that you want to include its phrases in search. 

Search Translated Phrases Only: if you choose a certain language, press (yes) to search using the translated phrases only and exclude untranslated ones. 

Phrase Type: enter the section in which you want to search, leave it blank if you don’t know the option. 

Search in …: determine the searching tool whether it’s Phrase Text Only, Phrase Variable Name Only or both. 


Exact Match


-Find and Replace

Use the below template: 

-the above tools are used to search and replace phrases that are tackled automatically. 

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