Brief: this option enables you to choose and add BB codes. 

Firstly: View the added codes 

1- Login to Cpanel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)> then (BB Code Manager) as shown in the below picture: 

The codes will show up as below : 

Secondly: Add BB Code 

1- Login to Cpanel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)> (BB Code Manager) then > press(Add New BBCode) icon, and the below picture will be shown:  

  • Title: is the new code title. 
  • BBCode Tag Title: is the approved tag inside brackets with the code.  
  • Replace: This is the HTML replacement code for the BBCode. 
  • Example: enter a sample of the new code function. 
  • Description: enter more details of the new added code. 
  • Use {option}: enables to use (Tag) 
  • Button Image (Optional): it enables to add new image of the code to be viewed. 
  • Remove Tag: it enables to remove the tag if it has no content. 
  • Disable BBCodes Within This BBCode: enables to deactivate codes of BB Code. 
  • Disable Smilies Within This BBCode: enables to deactivate emojis of BB Code. 
  • Disable Word Wrapping Within This BBCode: enables to activate or deactivate the text wrapping. 

Thirdly: Testing BB Codes 

1- Login to Cpanel

2- From the side list, select (Tools)> then (BB Code Manager) as shown in the below picture: 

The below template will show up: 

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