Brief: It views all the actions logs related to CMS, and shows the adding, deleting and registering actions in the website. 

Firstly, showing the actions log: 

1- Login to Cpanel 

2- From the side list, select (Tools), then (Actions Log) as shown in the below picture: 

The below template of actions log will show up as below: 

  • Log Entries to Show Per Page: is the number of logs you want to be displayed in each page while reviewing the log. 
  • Show Only Entries Related To The Following Script: it enables to select a certain file you want to view its log. 
  • Show Only Entries Generated By: is used to show the logs of certain user. 
  • Starting Date: the date since when you want to view the log. 
  • Ending Date: the date till when you want to view the log. 
  • Order By: the dates serial that the actions log will be displayed according to.  
  • Then press “View”. 

Secondly: Delete Actions Log. 

1- Login to Cpanel 

2- From the side list, select (Tools), then (Actions Log) as shown in the below picture: 

The below template of actions log will show up as below: 

  • Remove Entries Related To The Following Script: is used to select the file you want to delete its actions log. 
  • Remove User Processing logs: is used to delete the actions log of certain user. 
  • Remove Entries Older Than X Days: is used to delete actions log since a selected date. 
  • Then press “ Delete Actions Log Records”. 
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