Customer service department is the company image, so this department allows you, as a customer or a visitor, to open a ticket directed to it to ask about anything or request help if you need to.Customer service aims ultimately at enhancing the level of customers’ satisfaction, and to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the service or the product.

You can contact customer service department in the following cases:

  • Asking about services and products whether the question was about (features, prices, or how to buy and get the product or the service).
  • Having any inquiries or problems regarding reserved services and products providing all available solutions and alternatives for this problem or contacting the concerned departments to resolve it.
  • Answering your inquiries about your account whether the inquiry was about (data, accounts, invoices, or the services provided for you).

There are no specific conditions to open a ticket directed to customer service department, just follow this link:


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