Brief: this plugin allows to display the prices of metals such as gold, silver and platinum in the global market. It provides as well a gold prices calculator which make the visitors frequently browse your website. 

Firstly: Metal Prices Settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3-A list will show up, choose (Currency settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 

-Show Gold prices: activate or deactivate displaying the gold prices in the metal block. 

-Show Silver prices: activate or deactivate displaying the silver prices in the metal block. 

-Show Platinum prices: activate or deactivate displaying the platinum prices in the metal block. 

-Show Palladium prices: activate or deactivate displaying the palladium prices in the metal block. 

-Metals options to display: set the features you want to display in the block. 

-Show gold price calculator: activate or deactivate displaying the gold prices calculator

-Show gold units prices: activate or deactivate  displaying the prices of different  gold units.  

-Choose the currency you want to display in addition to US Dollars: set the currency that is shown with the US Dollar. 

-Show gold price history: press (yes) to display the gold prices during the previous days. 

-Number of days to display gold prices: the allowed number is between 7 to 31 days through which the gold prices are displayed. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 

Secondly: The plugin display method on the website

The metal plugin block is displayed in its suitable location using the default layout, for more details about how to add blocks, click here 

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