To adjust style, layout, and language, follow the below steps:
From Cpane;, select Settings> Dimofinf Settings> then Styles, Layout and Language as the below picture:
The below settings will show up:
Default Dimofinf Language: is the default language used to display the website.
Default Style: is the default activated style shown to the visitors.
Active Styles: select a group of styles from which the users can choose to be displayed.
Default Layout: select the default layout that will be displayed to the website visitors.
Activate Style Override: enable or disable the user to select a style. After activation, the default style will be displayed even if the user chooses to change the style from edit data.
Activate users layout: the user has an access to set a layout that he would prefer to be displayed on the website.
Activate Layout Override: enable or disable the user to select a layout. After activation, the default layout will be displayed even if the user chooses to change the style from edit data.
Dimofinf Icon: upload the icon image you want to be shown beside the website name.
Press (Edit Settings) to Save.