Brief:This tutorial is applied for all modules such as (news, articles, videos, etc..) 

1- Login to the control panel. 


2- Press (modules), and all the activated modules will appear, press any module and its controlling features will be shown, hit the feature “add section.


3-“Adding new section” template shows up as the picture below: 

-Parent Section: choose the section  in which you want to include the new one, if this new section is a main one, choose “no one”

-Title: enter the section name ( it is recommended to be short, compatible with the content, and free of symbols or formation in order to help in SEO). 

-Description: it is a brief to help the visitor and member to know about the section. 

-Picture: add a picture that reflects the section content. 

-Display order: it helps in displaying the section in the control panel and manual ordering as well.  

-Meta Description: It is used by SEO to index the page more releventely. 


-Meta Keywords: It is used by SEO to index the page more releventely. 


-Active: if you press  "Off", the section will be pending and waiting for approval to be published. 

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