Brief: this plugin allows you to add companies and clients that you have dealt with, mentioning their names, logos, their websites links, and what they said about you. Besides, this plugin can be linked to modules, so that clients are added to the corresponding content. 


Firstly: Clients Plugin Settings: 

1-Log in to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3-A list will show up, choose (Clients settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 


Firstly: General Settings: 

-Activate clients: activate or deactivate this plugin.

-Add client site url: activate this option to be able to add the client’s website link while you add a new client using “plugins”. 

-Maximum description characters: set the maximum number of characters used to add a description about the client. 

-Number of contents on clients page: enter the number of clients allowed to be displayed on each page. For example, if you have 100 clients and you want to display 20 per page, so you are going to have 5 pages. 

-Maximum client testimonial characters: when you add a new client, you can add as well what he has said about your services, so you can the maximum number of characters used for the client’s testimonial. 

-Maximum client image size: set the maximum size of the uploaded picture. 

-Show client"s page link on side menu: activate this option, so the link of the clients pages is shown on the side list. 


Secondly: Module Integration Settings: 

-Activate module integration: activate this option to add clients to the modules. 

For example, if you choose the module (news), you will find a new field named (Add client) when you add any new content to the module in which you can add one or multiple clients.

-Module to integrate with: the installed modules are shown up to choose ones that you want this plugin to be integrated with. 

-Link multiple clients to same content: activate this feature in order to add multiple clients to one module. 


Thirdly: Block Settings: 

-Number of clients in Clients block: set the number of clients displaying in the block. 

-What to show in Clients block: choose if you want the company name or the client name to be shown in the clients block. 

-Show logo in Clients block: activate this option to display the client’s logo.

-Maximum number of clients in logos block and Testimonials block: set the number of clients shown in two blocks; logos and testimonial. 

-Sort clients in blocks by: set the sorting method of contents in the block using the drop down list. 

-Activate clients" testimonials block: activate or deactivate the block. 

-Add link to clients in testimonials block: define if you want the visitor to be transferred to the client’s page or website when he pressed the client’s name in the testimonial block. 

-Add client"s page URL to testimonials block: the client’s page is shown up beneath the testimonial block if you activate this option. 

-Testimonials block template: set the testimonial block template. 

-Activate clients logos block: activate or deactivate the logos block. 

-Add link to client in logos block: define if you want the visitor to be transferred to the client’s page or website when he pressed the client’s name in the logos block. 

-Add clients" page URL to logos block: if you activate this option, the link of clients page is displayed beneath the logos block. 

-Title to show in logos block: enter the block title. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save.


Secondly: Adding clients: 

To add clients, follow the below: 

From the control panel< select plugins> clients> then add client as shown in the below picture: 

The below template will show up: 

-Company name: enter the company name belonged to the added client.  

-Client name: enter the client name to be added to your clients list. 

-Client position: enter the client's position in his company. 

-Company website link: enter the website link of the client’s company.  

-Description: write down a description about the client. 

-Picture: you can upload a picture. 

-Company logo: upload the company’s logo. 

-Client's testimonial: add what the client has said about your offered services. 

-Starting date: set the date when you started dealing with this client. 

-Show client in Testimonials: activate this option, so the client’s testimonial is shown in its block. 

-Show client in Our Clients: activate this option, so the client is shown in (our clients block). 

Press (Submit) to add the client or (Reset) to re enter a new data. 


Secondly: To list, edit, or delete the clients,  follow the below: 

From the control panel< select plugins> clients> then show clients as shown in the below picture: 

The below template will show up: 

-Company name: this item is showing the company name. 

-Client name: the client name is shown or the company link as per the settings. 

-Date: the date when you started dealing with this client. 

-Action: it includes three buttons: 

-View Icon: is used to show the client’s page on the website. 

-Edit Icon: is used to edit the client’s data. 

-Delete Icon: is used to delete the client. 

-Actions List: you can mark (select all) and mark multiple clients and press the button ( Delete) to tackle any required action by pressing the action itself, then (Submit) as shown in the below picture: 


Fourthly: The plugin block displaying method on the website: 

The block (clients) can be added to any location on the website using the default layout, for more details, click here 

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