سيرفرات سحابية - سيرفر سحابي X1

سيرفر سحابي x1

  • $40/mo
  • CPU3 core
  • RAM4 GB DDR4
  • Traffic20 TB
  • Storage80 GB SSD

Choose Billing Cycle


Plesk Panel

cPanel Addons

Volumes Storage

cPanel License

Extra Traffic

Extra IPs

Cloud Backup (7 days Snapshot for main disk)




Configure Server

Additional Information
(required fields are marked with *)

Select your Server Location
Select your Cloud VM Image
If you want to login into the Cloud VM without password, then you need to enter your public key generated from OpenSSH or ssh-keygen (e.g: ssh-rsa)
Cloud-Init user data to use during server creation. This field is limited to 32KiB.