Brief: this plugin allows you to play multimedia such as (images, videos, and audios) on the website. 


Firstly: MediaPlayer plugin settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3-A list will show up, choose (Mediaplayer settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 

-Player Start up Image: upload the background picture that you want to be displayed.  

-Show Watermark Logo In Player: press (yes) if you want to show your website watermark in the media player. 

-Allow Full Screen: activate or deactivate displaying the media player in the full screen. 

-Auto Start: press (yes) if you want the multimedia to be displayed automatically in order. 

-Resize according to content display mode: choose displaying method from the drop down menu as clarified below: 

None: this option stabilizes the media player size whatever the content size is.  

Unified: to set a certain size for all displayed multimedia. 

Fill: it enlarges the multi media files size to fit the media player one. 

Exact Fit: it adjusts the media player size to fit the displayed content. 

-Display control bar: activate or deactivate showing the control bar of the media player. 

-Player Background & Control bar color: set the background colour of the control bar and playlist. 

-Quicktime Player Background Color: set the colour of the Quicktime player background if you choose it as the website media player.  

-Video Player Width: set the width of the video player which has to fit your website. 

-Video Player Height: set the height of the video player which has to fit your website. 

-Audio Player Width: set the width of the audio player which has to fit your website. 

-Audio Player Height: set the height of the audio player which has to fit your website.

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 

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