Brief: this plugin enables you to display your Youtube channel on your website live and uniquely. 


Firstly: Youtube channel plugin settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3-Alist will show up, choose (Youtube channel settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 

-YouTube Channel API Key: press the link existing in the (!) sign, so you can get the API KEY after creating the application. 

-Number of Videos to Display: set the number of displayed videos in the plugin block, noting that the maximum number is 50. 

-YouTube Channel Options: choose the channel that you want to link to your website, by entering the (UserName) or (Channel ID), noting that you can grab them by following this path: (youtube>settings>advanced settings). 

YouTube Channel ID/ UserName: enter channel ID or username that you get by following the previous step. 

-YouTube Channel Block Title: enter the title that is shown at the top of the plugin block. 

-Caching Timeout: set the time in minutes after which the website saves the video data, noting that it has to be greater than 4 minutes. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 


Secondly: The plugin displaying method on the website: 

The block (Youtube Channel plus) can be added to any location on the website using the default layout, for more details, click here 

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