Brief: this plugin allows you to display your facebook page on the website and add sending and sharing options to the contents pages.

 Firstly: Social facebook plugin settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3-A list will show up, choose (Social Facebook settings) as shown below:

The below setting options will show up: 

General Settings: 

-Facebook Application ID: enter the Facebook application ID, press here to go to Facebook apps page. 

-Facebook Application Secret: enter the application secret of the account created in the previous step. 


Share Button Options: 

-Share Button: activate or deactivate the sharing button displaying with the content. 

-Layout: select the button form. 


Facebook Block Options: 

-Facebook Page Block title: enter the block title that is shown on your website. 

-Facebook Page Box: activate or deactivate the Facebook block displaying. 

-Facebook Page URL: enter the your facebook page link. 

-Show Header: to enable or disable showing the block  title. 

-Hide Page Cover Photo: to enable or disable showing the Facebook cover page. 

-Show Posts: activate this option to display contents on the website block. 

-Show Friends Faces: if you activate this option, the friends profiles picture will be displayed on website. 

Facebook Page Height- Width: set the block dimensions. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 


Secondly: The plugin displaying method on the website: 

The block (Social Facebook) can be added to any location on the website using the default layout, for more details, click here



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