Brief: this plugin allows members and visitors to subscribe the website newsletter to receive all the recently added content. 

Firstly: Subscribe Settings: 

1-Log In to the control panel

2-From the setting list, select (Plugins settings) as the below picture: 

3-A list will show up, choose (subscribe settings) as shown below: 

The below setting options will show up: 


-Newsletter Subscription Block Title: enter the title of newsletter block publish on the website. 

-text description in newsletter block: enter the text of the newsletter.

-Choose sections used for plugin: select modules in which this plugin is published.

-Max Items To Send: set the maximum number of items sent to the visitors.

-Enable Daily Newsletter Subscription: activate or deactivate newsletter subscription on a daily basis. 

-Enable Weekly Newsletter Subscription: activate or deactivate newsletter subscription on a weekly basis. 

-Enable Monthly Newsletter Subscription: activate or deactivate newsletter subscription on a monthly basis. 

-Newsletter Subscription Subject: enter the title of the newsletter sent to the visitors. 

-Enable Display Subscription Form As Pop-up Window: activate or deactivate displaying a pop-up window of the newsletter to members who don’t subscribe to it yet. 

-Cookies Expiry In Seconds For Pop-up Window: set the time in seconds after which the pop-up window cookies are expired and another window will be displayed. If you enter (0), the pop-up window will be displayed once after the website is reloaded. 

-Enable Display Subscription Form As Footer Fade Side Window: activate or deactivate displaying the subscription side window in the footer. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 


On the same page, the available section are shown at the bottom as shown below: 


-All Active Modules: select the module that you want to display its sections. 

-Available Sections: set the displaying order and  sending cycle, then press (add) in front of the section to be added to the newsletter.

-All Chosen Sections: press (remove) in front of the chosen sections, if you want to delete any section. 

Press (Edit Settings) to save. 


Secondly: to export the newsletter in a file and download, follow the below steps: 

From the control panel> select plugins> newsletter> then export as the picture below: 

 The below template:

-Name: activate or deactivate displaying the file name. 

-Separator Character: to set the separator symbol between the name, number, and email of the newsletter subscribers. 

Press (Submit) to add an event, or (Reset) to re enter a new data.


Thirdly: The plugin displaying method on the website: 

The block (subscription) can be added to any location on the website using the default layout, for more details, click here 

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