Brief: Articles module allows you to add articles to your website, open a discussion with members and give an opportunity to the writers to publish their articles on your website. 


1- Login to control panel. 

2-ِ Press (Modules)> (Articles)> then (Add Section) as shown in the below picture: 

 3- The “Add New Section” template will show up as the picture below: 

 Parent Section: the section named in which you want to include the new one, if you this new section to be a main one, choose “no one”.

Title: enter the section name such as (policy,economy,etc..). 

Description: enter a brief about the added content to be located beneath the section name. It is recommended to use simple key words to attract the visitors.

Picture: add a picture that properly refers to the section content. Set the dimensions to fit the block. 

Display Order: order the section to be displayed on the section page depending on the suitable order for you; the section with order (1), is displayed first before others. 

Meta Description: All (Add Section) templates are provided with SEO that falls within digital marketing, so that you will need to install extra plugins. These tools help in  increasing the website visitors and views. 

Meta Keywords: words used to search for a certain topic; the accurate selection of these words and using them as keywords help in matching these words to keywords of search engines and attract more visitors to your website. 

Section Color: select a unified color for the section articles background, noting that this feature is not available in the current default layout. 

Active: choose to publish the section once created or save it till the contents are added and publish it later. 

Press (Submit) to create the section, or (Reset) to reset box to the previous status. 

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