Brief: this feature sends you notifications that keeps you aware of all activities related to your website. 


The most featured notification: 

-update of the content status, for example, when it is changed from rejected to approved. 

-adding your content that was waiting for approval. 

Adding your content. 

-deleting your content.

-comments notification, when any member replies to your comment. 

-invitations plugin notification (events plus). Only if the plugin is activated. 

-like or dislike your content, if the plugin (interested) is activated. 

-followers notification, if any member follows you. 


Notifications Access: 

You can reach notifications by pressing the icon (notification) existing in the website header or by using the member’s control panel. 

Firstly: the notifications list in the header: 

You can reach notifications by pressing the icon (notification) in the header as shown in the below picture: 

All the notifications are shown in this list, and you are transferred to the notification page if you press any. 

Some tools are displayed when you pass by a notification: 

Delete: if you want to remove any notification and will not be shown in the list or the member’s control panel. 

Viewed: press this icon, so the notification is not shown in the list, but is still shown in the member’s control panel. 

Confirm: this icon is only used if the profile is (private) not (public), so if you press it, you are agreeing that the member who send you this notification is following you. 


Secondly: Notification in the member’s control panel: 

You can reach them by pressing the icon ( all notification) that is displayed beneath the icon (notifications) as shown in the below picture: 

Or by pressing the (admin) icon that exists in the header as shown below: 

All notifications will show up, so you can select one notification or all to (delete). 

Note: a notification sound is listened when you get a new notification (in case it is activated), and a popup is shown up (in case you allow notification to be received using the browser). 

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