Brief: in order to add avatar picture to be used as virtual ones for the users, follow the below tutorial: 

Add Section: 

From Cpanel, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Avatars> then > Add Section as the picture below:

The below adding section template will show up:  


Title: is the section name that you want to add. 

Sort: is used to set the section order in the sections page. 

Then press Submit to add the section, or Reset to remove the data and enter a new one. 

List Section: 

You can list and edit section beside adding pictures to them by following the below: 

From Cpanel, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Avatars> then > List Section and the page will show up: 

Title: is the name of the section that was already added. 

Total: the number of pictures added to every section. 

Section: it included two icons; one for editing and the other for deleting. 

Content: it includes two icons; one for listing pictures and the other for adding ones. 

Adding New Picture: 

- Upload the avatar in the avatars folder included in hosted Dimofinf copy, noting that avatars folder is included in content folder. 

From Cpanel, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Avatars> List Section> then press the icon (Add) as the picture below: 

The below template of adding will show up: 

Section: is the section in which the picture will be added. 

Title: the name of the avatar. 

Image Filecontents/avatars/: enter the picture name that you have uploaded in avatars folder. 

Sort: is the picture order. 

Press (Submit) to add the picture or (Reset) to remove the data and add new one. 

To edit or delete picture: 

To edit picture data or delete it, follow the below: 

From Cpanel, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Avatars> List Section> then press the icon (List) as the picture below: 

The below picture will show up: 

To edit the picture, press “edit” icon, and to delete it , press “delete” icon.  

Smiles: to add emojis to be used in texting, follow the below: 

Add Section:

From Cpnael, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Smiles> then Add Section as the picture below: 

The template will show up: 

Title: is the name off the section that you want to add. 

Sort: is the section order shown in the sections page. 

Press (Submit) to add the picture or (Reset) to remove the data and add new one. 

List Section: 

You can list and edit sections, and add emojis to them by following the below: 

From Cpnael, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Smiles> then List Section as the picture below: 

Title: is the name of the section that was already added. 

Total: the number of emojis added to every section. 

Section: it included two icons; one for editing and the other for deleting. 

Content: it includes two icons; one for listing pictures and the other for adding ones. 

Adding New Emoji: 

- Upload the emoji that you want to use to the smilies folder included in hosted Dimofinf copy, notung that smiles folder is included in content folder. 

From Cpnael, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Smiles> List Section > the press add icon as below:  

The below template will show up: 

Section: is the section in which the emoji will be added. 

Title: is the emoji name. 

Image Filecontents/smilies/: enter the emoji name that you have uploaded to the smiles folder. 

Sort: is the emoji order. 

Replace text: enter a symbol or text that will be used as replacement of the emoji. 

Press (Submit) to add the picture or (Reset) to remove the data and add new one. 

Edit or Delete Emoji: 

To edit emoji data or delete it, follow the below: 

From Cpnael, select Tools> Avatars and Smiles> Smiles> List Section > the press list icon as below:  

The below page of emojis will show up: 

To edit the emoji, press “edit” icon, and to delete it , press “delete” icon.  

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