Brief: this plugin enables you to add pop up ads when someone login to your website. 

Firstly: settings: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- from the side list, select (settings)> then (plugins settings) as the picture below: 

3- the settings list will show up, choose (Popup Navigator settings) as the picture below:

The below page appears:


-Enable Popup Navigator: activate or deactivate the plugin. 

-Max number of items displayed in dimcp list: set the maximum number of displayed items per each popup. 

-Popup Skin: choose the popup style. 

-How to view Popups: choose how to display the popup whether vertically or horizontally. 

-Activate cookies: press “yes” to activate cookies, so users that display cookies are saved. 

-Cookies Expiry: set a certain period after which the cookies are expired. 


Secondly: adding new popup: 

From the control panel, choose (plugins)> ( popup navigator )> then (add popup) as shown in the below picture: 

The below template shows up: 

-Name: enter the name of the pop-up window. 

-Title: enter the advertisement title. 

-File: upload the picture or video of the advertisement, and this is the first type of the pop-up windows, 

-Content File URL: it is the second type of the pop-up windows in which you can add an external link such as youtube or vimeo. 

-HTML Code: it is the third type of the pop-up windows in which you can add HTML code. 

-Description: add all details or description of the pop-up window. 

-Width- Height: set the window dimensions. 

-Starting Date: set the data when the window is started to be displayed. 

-End Date: set the data when the window is expired.-Display On Homepage: activate this option, so the window is shown on the homepage and internal pages, if you deactivate this option, it will be displayed only on the internal pages. 

-Display On Homepage: press “yes”, so the popup is displayed on the homepage. 

-Smart Recognition: it is recommended to be activated if the pop-up window is an external link, especially youtube links. 

-Active: activate or deactivate the window.

-Display on module sections page: this feature enables you to display the window only on the selected modules pages. 

-Module: select the module where the pop-up window is displayed if you don’t want this window to be displayed in all modules. 

-Section: choose sections that you want the window to be displayed in. 


Thirdly: edit or delete popup: 

From the control panel, choose (plugins)> ( popup navigator )> then (list popup) as shown in the below picture: 

To adjust any popup, press the icon “edit” as shown in the below picture:

To remove any popup, press the icon “delete” as shown in the below picture:

To activate or deactivate the popup, press the icon “active” as shown in the below picture:

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