Brief: this plugin is a means to protect your website from spam during registration.


Firstly: settings: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- from the side list, select (settings)> then (plugins settings) as the picture below: 

3- the settings list will show up, choose (reCaptcha settings) as the picture below:

The below page appears:

If you press (reCaptcha general settings), the below template show up: 

-Enable reCaptcha: to activate or deactivate the plugin. 

-reCaptcha Public Key: enter the public key of reCaptcha. 

-reCaptcha Private Key:  enter the private key of reCaptcha. 

-Theme: choose the reCaptcha theme. 

-Language: choose the reCaptcha language. 


If you press (No Spam Question Settings), the below template show up: 

-Enable No Spam Question: activate or deactivate the verification questions to be added. 

-Number of questions on Questions List: set the number of questions.


The reCaptcha is shown as below, after adjusting the above settings: 


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