To prevent running malicious files or PHP files in the uploading folders of WordPress or the other scripts, embed a code that only allows reviewing pictures in the .htaccess file inside the upload folder.
For example, the upload folder in WordPress is wp-content/uploads, so the following code is embedded in the .htaccess file inside the mentioned folder:
# If the URI is an image then we allow accesses
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ".(gif|jpe?g|doc|png|bmp)$" let_me_in
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from All
# Allow accesses only if an images was requested
Allow from env=let_me_in
deny from all
To make the file content as follows:
If you want to allow running other extensions, you can add the extension to this line:
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ".(gif|jpe?g|doc|png|bmp)$" let_me_in
Also, It is always recommended to upgrade to the latest available versions of the used script and the plugins installed on it.