Brief: this plugin enables you to distribute banners using the way that suits your website and choose the module where you want the baner to be displayed. Adding to managing the banner runtime. 


Firstly: settings: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- from the side list, select (settings)> then (plugins settings) as the picture below: 

3- the settings list will show up, choose (poll settings) as the picture below: 

The below page appears: 

-Activate Banners Display: activate or deactivate this plugin. 

-Default Alt Text: add a default alt text that is shown when the mouse arrow passes by the banner. this text is shown only if you don’t add another one when you add any banner. 

Secondly: Adding

From the side list> select “plugins”> “banners” then “add” as shown below: 

The below template shows up: 

-Advertiser: enter the name of the advertisement or banner owner. 

-Link: enter the page that will be transferred to after pressing the banner. 

-Next points are related to uploading banners techniques and which method is suitable to be used. 

-File: this option allows you to upload a banner with these extentions (GIF - JPG – SWF) using your device. 

-Content File Url: add the banner link in case it is available instead of uploading a picture.  

-HTML CODE: you can add html or javascript codes to be used as a banner instead of a picture. 

-Alt Text: enter an alt text that is shown when the mouse arrow passes by the banner. 

-Width: set the banner width using pixels. 

-Height: set the banner height using pixels. 

- If you leave these data blank, the banner will not be displayed. 

-Starting Date- End Date: enter the period when this banner is displayed. 

-Is This A Flash Banner?: This feature is used to enable or disable adding flash banners with SWF format.

-Module: choose the module where the banner is displayed. 

-Section: choose the sections where the banner is displayed. 

-Order: set the banner displaying order. 

Then press “Submit”. 

The next step is to check the layout to choose the location where the banner is displayed. 


Thirdly: edit, or delete banners

From the side list> select “plugins”> “banners” then “list” as shown below: 

The banners are shown as the picture below: 

-Edit Icon: is used to edit the banner and its features . 


-Delete Icon: is used to remove  the banner.

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