To create a new database for cPanel users:


1- Login to your cPanel.


2- Choose (MySQL Databases) from (DataBases) block.



Note: Each website control panel differs from one to another depending on its version, but the difference is negligible.


3- You will find the block (Create New Database), type the new database name then press (Create database).



A message will be displayed that the database has been created successfully.


4- Press (Go Back).



After creating the database, you have to create a username that has all privileges to control the database.


5- At the same page you will find the block (Add New User) below (MySQL Users), type a username and a password (it’s better to write numbers and letters for the password), then press (Create User).



6- A message will be displayed that the username and the password have been created successfully, press (Go Back).



Now there is a final step that you have to do, which is linking the username to the database.


7- At the same page you will find (User) and (Database) below the block (Add User To Database), select the username and the database you have created then press (Add).



Note: When you type a username and a database in a script that requires linking files to databases, the username should be like, for example: (user_dbname).

Finally, you have successfully created a database and added a username to it with these steps.


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