Brief: this plugin allows you to play multimedia such as (images, videos, and audios) on the website.
Firstly: Media player settings:
1- login to the control panel.
2- From the side list, select “settings”> then “plugin settings” as shown below:
3- the settings list show up, select (Media player settings) as shown below:
The below page appears:
-Player Start Image: upload a picture from your device if you want to display it as a background.
-Show Watermark Logo On Player: press (yes) if you want to show your website watermark in the media player.
-Allow Full Screen: activate or deactivate displaying the media player in the full screen.
-Auto Start: press (yes) if you want the multimedia to be displayed automatically in order.
-Mute The Player On Startup: press (yes), so the player will be muted on startup.
-Use High-Quality Playback: press (yes), so the multimedia is played with high quality.
-Resize according to content display mode: edit the size as per the default displaying method.
-Position of control bar: set where the options bar is located whether (bottom, over, etc).
-Player Theme: choose the theme from the available options.
-Player Background color: set the color of the options bar and playing list by pressing the desired color code twice.
-Player Icon / Text Color: set the color of icons and text.
-Player Hovering Color: set the color of text and icons when the mouse is passed by them.
-Player Display Color: set the player background color.
-Quicktime Player Display Color: set the quicktime player background color.
-Video Player Width: set the width of the video player which has to fit your website.
-Video Player Height: set the height of the video player which has to fit your website.
-Audio Player Width: set the width of the audio player which has to fit your website.
-Audio Player Height: set the height of the audio player which has to fit your website.