Brief: this plugin enables you to display all what you have published via media.  


Firstly: settings: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- from the side list, select (settings)> then (plugins settings) as the picture below: 

3- the settings list will show up, choose (press settings) as the picture below:


The below page appears:

-Enable Press: activate or deactivate this plugin. 


Secondly: Adding: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- From the side list> select “plugins”> “press” then “add” as shown below: 

The below template will show up:


-Title: enter the title of the added press publication.

-Type: choose the content type whether it is interviews, public articles, or public poems. 

-Press Type: choose the media platform whether it is (magazine or newspaper). 

-Press title: write down the name of the media platform that you have chosen in the previous option.

-Issue Number: enter the issuing number of the press content or the press type. 

-Date: set the date when the content is published.

-Description: enter details about the content. 

-Multi-Media: you can upload multimedia to be published with the content. 


Thirdly: view, edit, or delete press releases: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- From the side list> select “plugins”> “press” then “list” as shown below: 

- To view any content, press the icon (view) as shown in the below picture:

- To adjust any content, press the icon (edit) as shown in the below picture:

- to remove any content, press (delete) icon as shown below: 

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