Brief: this plugin can grasp many visitors to your website as you can add a competition which all members can join. 

Firstly: settings: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- from the side list, select (settings)> then (plugins settings) as the picture below: 

3- the settings list will show up, choose (competition settings) as the picture below: 

The below options show up: 

-Enable Competitions: to activate or deactivate the plugin. 

-Maximum Winner Image Dimensions: set the dimensions of the winner picture.

Secondly: Adding

1- Login to the control panel

2- From the side list> select “plugins”> “competition” then “add” as shown below: 

The below template will show up: 

-Title: enter the name of the added competition. 

-Sponsor: the name of the competition official sponsor. 

-Occasion: add to what occasion this competition is related. 

-Country: enter the country where the competition is held. 

-City: enter the city where the competition is held. 

-Location: enter the exact address where the competition is held. 

-Starting Date: enter the date when the competition starts. 

-Last Participation Date: enter the last submission date. 

-End Date: enter the date when the competition ends.

-Prizes: choose the competition prize. 

-Information and conditions: enter the competition terms and conditions. 


Thirdly: view, edit, or delete the competition information: 

1- Login to the control panel

2- From the side list> select “plugins”> “competition” then “list” as shown below: 

-to view the competition, press the (view) button as shown below:                                          

-to adjust or update the competition, press the (edit) button as shown below :

-to remove the competition, press the (delete) button as shown below :

-to view the competition content, press the (contents list) button as shown below:                                    

-to adjust or update the content , press the (edit) button in front of the required content as shown below: 

-to remove the competition content, press the (delete) button as shown below :

-to add a new content to the competition, press (add contents) button as shown below: 

The below template appears: 

-Title: enter the new content title. 

-File: upload its multimedia. 


Fourthly: Winners: 

-to list the winner list, press (list) button as below:                                  

-to add the winner list, press (add) button as below:        

The below template show up: 

-Name: enter the name of the winner. 

-Images: you can upload the winner’s picture. 

-Job: enter the winner’s job. 

-Country: enter from which country the winner is. 

-City: enter from which city the winner is. 

-Prize: add the prize that the winner will get. 

-Sort: enter the winner rank. 

-Winning Post: add more details and information about the competition. 

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