Brief: This setting is used to activate or deactivate the website notifications and messages.
To manage messages and notifications setting:
1- login to the C Panel
2- A side list will show up, select (settings), (Dimofinf settings) as shown in the below picture:
3- Another list will show up, select (Messages and Notifications Setting ) as shown in the below picture:
- Some options related to this settings will show up as shown in the below picture:
- Activate Notifications: is used to activate or deactivate the website notification for the visitors and users.
- Time to get latest notifications: is used to set a time when the latest notifications will be shown.
- Activate SMS: is used to activate or deactivate the short messages for visitors and members.
- Time to get latest messages: is used to set a time when the latest messages will be fetched to the inbox.
- SMS Sound File: is the sound caused after receiving a new message.
- Number Of Members in a Mailing List: is the number of recipients put in a bar to receive a new message.