Brief: This setup is used to manage the features of content shown on the website. 


To manage content settings: 

1- login to the C Panel 

2- A side list will show up, select (settings), (Dimofinf settings) as shown in the below picture: 

3- Another list will show up, select ( Content Setting) as shown in the below picture:

- Some options related to this settings will show up as shown in the below picture: 



  • Activate Short Content URLs followed by a Title: in order to activate this feature, two features of short URL and mood-rewrite has to be activated first.  
  • Max Content Editing Time: this feature is used to hide that the content is under amendment if the editor exceeds that set time. 
  • Maximum Size For Image Files In Bytes: is used to set the maximum size of pictures using (Byte) as a measurement tool. Any larger picture is not accepted to be uploaded. 
  • Maximum Content Image Thumb Width: if the width is larger than the set width, this feature is used to zoomed out the picture width to fit the set one. 
  • Maximum Content Image Thumb Height: the picture height will be zoomed out according to the number put in this box. If there is no set number, the height will be measured automatically based on the width. Put (0) as default. 
  • Maximum Menu OR Link Image Thumb Width: this feature is used to set the width that the list picture or URL will be zoomed out accordingly if the uploaded one is larger.   
  • Maximum Menu OR Link Image Thumb Height: this feature is used to set the height that the list picture or URL will be zoomed out accordingly. If there is no set number, the height will be measured automatically based on the width mentioned in the previous feature. Put (0) as default. 
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