Eighth: Competitions:
Add competitions like league and clubs with all matched and events by following the steps below:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Competitions) > then (Add New) as shown below:
The below template will show up:
-Competition name: enter the competition title such as (the Champions League).
-Image: add a picture that fits the added competition.
-Brief description: enter a short brief about the competition.
-Content: enter the content that includes more details than the brief description.
-National League: choose if the competition is national or international.
Edit Competitions:
You may need to edit some data after being added by following the steps below:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Competitions) > then (List) as shown below:
A list of the entered competitions will show up. There are three icons in front of each competition; one for editing,one for viewing and the last one is
Pressing the icon (View) transfers you to the competition’s page on the website.
For deleting, you may as well press (select all) or mark certain ones to be deleted by pressing (Delete) existed at the bottom of the page.
Add Match:
You can add match covering its events by following the steps below:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Competitions) > then (list). The added competitions is appeared, in front of each one, there is an icon (Add), press it to add matches:
The below template will show up:
-Competition: add the match belongs to this competition, noting that you have to add the competition itself as mentioned in the previous steps.
-First Team: enter the first team name.
-Second Team: enter the second team name.
Note: team have to be added as mentioned in the (adding Clubs) tutorial.
-Match (Date/Time): set the match date and time.
-Extra Time: enter the extra time defined by the referee (if existed).
-Week / Round: enter the match week or round such as (Second week, Semi final round).
-Stadium: enter the name of the stadium where the match is played.
-Commentator: enter the name commentator that comments on the match.
-Weather Conditions: enter some data about the weather of the city where the match is played.
-First team goals: enter the goals scored by the first team.
-Second team goals: enter the goals scored by the second team.
-Channels: set the channels that broadcast the match, noting that you have to add the sport channels names firstly which will be explained later in the same article.
-Important Match: press (yes), so this match will be shown in the important matches block.
-Away / Home: define if the match is home, define or if the competition is one-stage, press (without).
Edit Matches:
To edit the match, follow the below steps:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Competitions) >(List)> then press (List) as shown below:
The below picture appears:
A list of the entered matches will show up. There are three icons in front of each match; (Edit, View, Delete and Coverage).
Pressing the icon (View) transfers you to the match’s page on the website.
For deleting, you may as well press (select all) or mark certain match to be deleted by pressing (Delete) existed at the bottom of the page.
The icon (Coverage) will be explained into details later.
League Table - Clubs:
To add clubs order in the league, follow the below steps:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Competitions) > then (List), a list of the added competitions will show up, press (Add) icon existed beneath the list (League Table- Clubs) :
Note: this box appears only if the competition is national.
The below template will show up:
Select the clubs you want to add to the schedule and press (Submit).
To list the league table:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Competitions) > then (List), a list of competitions will show up, press (List) existed beneath the League table as shown in the below picture:
The below template will show up:
The clubs are shown by order with their statistics.
In the action list, there are icons for edit and delete.
For deleting, you may as well press (select all) or mark certain clubs to be deleted by pressing (Delete) existed at the bottom of the page.
By pressing the icon (Edit), you can modify the statistics as shown below:
Ninth: Channels:
To add channels, select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Channels) > then (Add New) as shown below:
The below template will show up:
-Title: enter the sport channel that transfers the match.
-URL: enter the online channel link (if existed).
To edit channel, follow the below:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Channels) > then (list) as shown below:
A list of the entered channels will show up. There are three icons in front of each channel; one for editing,one for viewing and the last one is for deleting.
Pressing the icon (View) transfers you to the member’s page on the website.
Tenth: Match Event Coverage:
You can cover the match events by pressing the icon (Coverage) existed in the competition item as shown below:
Or follow the below steps:
Select (Club Module) from (Modules) list, >press (Competitions) > then (Add New) as shown below:
Select the competition that includes the match you want to cover, and the below template will show up:
-Competitions: select the competition that the match you covers, belongs to.
-Match: select the match you want to cover its event.
-First team goals - Barcelona: enter the number of goals scored by the first team.
-Second team goals - Real Madrid: enter the number of goals scored by the second team.
-Team: mention the club you want this coverage to its event.
-Minute: enter the minute when the event is tackled.
-Event: enter the actual event as shown below:
-Player Name: enter the name of the player who scored the goal, got the yellow card, etc.
-Player Number: enter the played number.
-Submit match result and calculate League Table Points: press “yes” , so the match result is approved, and points are added to the league table. Noting that this field appears only if the competition is (National).
Note that any event will be shown in the control panel existed at the bottom of the page, after pressing (Submit) as shown in the below picture: