Brief: Every module has a setting through which you can manage the general settings of its sections and available blocks.  

To login to “Cinema” module settings: 

1- Login to the control panel 

2- From the side list, select (Settings), then (Plugins Settings) as shown in the below picture: 

3- The below list will show up, select “Cinema Settings”: 

The below page of general options (Settings) will show up: 

Firstly: Module Settings: 

-Show download servers: press “yes” if you want loading servers to be shown beneath the content. 

-Maximum allowed download servers: set the maximum number of shown servers. 

-Show watch servers: press “yes” if you want watching servers to be shown beneath the content. 


-Maximum allowed watch servers: set the maximum number of shown servers. 

 -Show categories filter in sections page: press “yes” if you want to show categories filtration on the sections page as per as category, actor, writer or director.  

-Categories can be modified, added or deleted: press “yes” to able to add, edit or delete categories. 


Secondly: Blocks Settings: 

-Number of contents in related block: set the number of contents that are shown in the related block, and the block appears only on the contents page. Add this block by using the default layout. 

-Number of shared categories to consider as related content: set the number of shared categories to be similar to the existing contents on the current page.  

-Show episode of same series as related content: press “yes”, so the episodes of the same content will be shown.  

-Number of contents in pinned block: set the number of content in the pinned block that can be added by using the default layout. 

-Number of contents to display on each row in pinned block: set the number of contents that are shown in each row of the pinned block. 

-Number of contents in year block: set the number of contents showing in (Year block) that can be added by using the default layout. 

-Starting year in years block: set the starting year of year block. 

-Ending year in years block: set the ending year of year block.

Depending on those two options, contents between two selected years will be shown in this block, others will not be shown in the block. 

-Divide timeline according to number of years: set the breaks of the timeline, for example, if you enter (10) the breaks will be 10 years and years will shown as (1990.2000.2010).

-Number of contents in search block: set the number of contents in search block that can be added by using the default layout. 

Thirdly: General Settings: 

-Number of content per section page: set the number of contents shown on each page, for example, if you have 1000 posts for every section, and you want to show 20 ones in every page, so that you will have 50 pages in this section. A numbered list of pages will be shown beneath the posts. 

-Number of content in each line: set the number of contents in each row of the page. 

-Contents Sorting Order In Modules: set the order you want to display contents by selecting one of the methods existed in the dropdown list. 

-Sections sorting order in modules: set the order you want to display sections by selecting one of the methods existed in the dropdown list. 

-Module order in the Modules Menu: set the order of cinema module among the website modules. 

-Maximum number of uploaded images per time: Dimofinf V.5 allows you to upload any number of images to be published with the content. 

Through this feature, you can set the maximum number of added images for every content, noting that various images will be displayed in a slider. 

-Maximum image size: set the maximum size of the uploaded image. 

-Maximum image thumb width: (Thumbnail images) if little size of the original pictures that you upload to the website, those little images are displayed on the website pages except for the content page for the website speed. 

Set the thumbnail images width and height to be maximum 75. 

-Maximum image dimensions: the image will be automatically resized to the set dimensions. Noting that the larger dimensions of the image are set, the more quality will be displayed; however, it requires more space. 

-More content Cutoff: maximum number of the brief characters that shown beneath the content address

-Number of sections to display per page in modules: set the number of displayed section in every page. If there are 10 sections and you set 5 section for each page, so you will have 2 pages for sections. A numbered list of pages shows up beneath the sections. 

-Number of sections in each line: set the number of displayed sections in each row of the internal page. 


-Sections to show on side menu: define the sections that are displayed in the modules list, noting that if you don’t select sections, cinema module will not be displayed.  

-Display Module Statistics: statistics block is a main one that doesn’t belong to any module, as it can be added on any page of the website. 

Activate this option if you want to display statistics module in this block.  

-Activate Ticker: press “yes” to display the recent contents automatically. 

-Allowed Ticker Areas: set the allowed locations to show the ticker; whether to be shown only on the internal pages, homepage, or all the pages.

-Meta Keywords: enter meta keywords that fit the blogs module, to be included in every content published on the website pages. 

Use this feature if you want to add meta keywords to all the module contents that has no previous meta keywords before being published.

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