Brief: In order to install and activate Dimofinf CMS V.4 style, follow the below steps:
Firstly: Install new style
First Step:
1- Upload the style folder from your device to the website Dimofinf folder with (Binary) format.
2- Provide the writing permission (777) or (775) to the included folder and HTML files for the server that work by (php-cgi) system, in order to have access to edit it.
Second Step:
1- Login to Cpanel.
2- From the side list, select (Styles & Layout) > (Styles) then > ( Add) as the below picture:
The below template will be shown:
- Title: is the shown style name , that you can enter using any language.
- Folder Name: is the style folder that will be entered exactly as the uploaded folder , considering that no number or punctuation is allowed.
- Page Width: is the width of the displayed website pages and the full page width, Example, ( 1024px ) , the page width is 90% of the full width.
- Order: it enables to order the style display.
- Press (Submit) , so the style will be added to the existing ones in the website.
3- To set the style as a default one, from the side list, selected (Setting) > (Dimofinf Setting) then > ( Style, Layout and language)
4- From the (Default Style) option, select the style you want to set.
Secondly, View, Edit and Delete :
1- Login to Cpanel
2- From the side list, select (Styles & Layout) > (Styles) then > ( List) as the below picture:
Every style will be listed with 4 icons as the below picture:
- Design: is used to view and edit styles.
- View: is to review the style on the website.
- Edit: is used to modify the style terms and settings.
- Delete: delete the style.
Thirdy, search in templates:
To search in templates, follow the below:
1- Login to Cpanel
2- From the side list, select (Styles & Layout) > (Styles) then > ( Search in templates) as the below picture:
The below template will be shown as the picture below:
- Search in Style: choose the style that you are searching for.
- Search in Text: mark the text you want search for using the style templates.
- Case-sensitive: in case of being sure that the text is identical, choose (Yes), if not , choose (No) to view all possibilities.
3- to find and replace, use the below template:
- Search In Style: set the style you want to search for.
- Search For Text: enter the text you want to search for using the style templates that previously set.
- Replace with Text: put the text you want to replace.
- Case-sensitive: in case of being sure that the text is identical, choose (Yes), if not , choose (No) to view all possibilities.